Interview with Eric Johnson
One of my earliest achievements with Re-Mastered Media was conducting two-interviews in the lead up to the release of Splinter Cell: Blacklist. The first, here, was with the game's new Sam Fisher; Eric Johnson.
As you'll read in the interview, my inexperience was abundantly obvious, so a huge thank you to Eric Johnson for allowing me the opportunity, Fun fact: the interview was conducted entirely via Twitter, 2013 was an interesting time.
Hey Eric, so we’ll start with a generic question: What’s the highlight of your career so far?
I’ve had many highlights, none stand out above the other as the “best” moment. Landing the role of Flash Gordon was big, but so was doing Legends of the Fall when I was 14 and of course being a part of Smallville was a big highlight in my life.
Your latest role puts you in the shoes of former Third Echelon agent Sam Fisher in Splinter Cell: Blacklist. as both motion capture actor and voice actor, how did you come to get such a storied role?
They knew they were making a change and so like any role when I heard about it I eagerly threw my hat into the ring. I sent them an audition scene. Then we did the demo for blacklist which you could look at as one long audition. I was thrilled when I got final approval to play the new Sam Fisher. It’s been a tremendous amount of fun and I’ve learned a great deal.
Well from the looks of trailers, and having been at a developer session in September to see David Footman talk about the new motion capture system, your work is looking great. Have you played any previous Splinter Cell games?
I have. Always enjoyed them. Double Agent was a favourite.
Double Agent was certainly a fantastic game! My favourite has to be Chaos Theory. So jumping back almost 19 years, how did you land the role of young Tristan in Legends of the Fall?
I had already been acting professionally for a few years and was lucky to get to read for the director. Interestingly it was the same Canadian Casting Director that was later working on Flash Gordon. Small world.
What was it like professionally acting from such a young age?
My parents and friends did a good job of keeping me grounded and I always treated it like going to work. Just like anybody else. Looking back I was very fortunate to have so many opportunities and some really great teachers and role models.
You’ve also had experience in Directing, for instance with the 2005 short, Fishbowl. How did you feel about directing as an experience?
Writing and directing is always something I’m passionate about. It’s incredibly rewarding and I feel more at ease behind the camera.
One thing I wanted to bring up, as you may know, Ubisoft and New Regency are bringing Splinter Cell to the big screen, with Tom Hardy portraying Sam Fisher, would you have auditioned for the role, given the opportunity?
Firstly having Tom Hardy attached to the film is HUGE and very exciting for the Splinter Cell franchise. But of course if they had had auditions I would have gladly thrown my hat in the
ring. That said Hardy as Fisher is exciting news.
I’m very eager to see how he portrays the role. So what other projects are you currently involved in?
I’m currently involved in season 4 of Rookie Blue and am doing a small spot on a new show called Orphan Black for BBC America.
We’ll wrap this up with two final questions: What can we look forward to in Splinter Cell: Backlist? Do you expect us to see more from your Sam Fisher in the future?
I think Blacklist will be the most thrilling comprehensive SC to date. With amazing Stealth and Action wrapping in a gripping story. And if they’d like me to continue being Sam Fisher I of course would love to continue on. It’s seriously a great deal of fun.
Well we can’t wait to get out hands on it, thank you for your time! Happy New Year!
Pleasure chatting with you Callum.
Happy New Year!